A No-Nonsense Family Guide Throught Addiction & Recovery

Addict In The House

Dr Robin Barnett's honest and informative book Addict In The House, A No-Nonsense Family Guide Through Addiction & Recovery, quickly became required reading for any family dealing with addiction issues.
As an accomplished addiction therapist, Dr. Robin authored this book by drawing on her own personal experience with her brother’s addiction, her years as a Psychotherapist and thousands of encounters with those with Substance Use Disorder, and their families. Addict in the House offers a pragmatic, step-by-step guide to dealing with a loved one’s addiction, from accepting the reality of the disease to surviving what may be repeated cycles of recovery and relapse. You’ll learn how to encourage your addicted loved one to get help without forcing it, and finally find the strength to let go of codependency.

With this revealing and straightforward book, you’ll have the support you need to take an honest look at how addiction has affected the family, cope with the emotional hurdles of having an addicted family member, create and maintain firm boundaries, and make informed decisions about how to best help your loved one.

Addict In The House