By Dr. Robin
Gray Death: Why People Use Drugs They Know Will Kill Them
In what is perhaps the most frightening of all drug combinations to date, Gray Death has emerged as a lethally potent combination of opioids that includes heroin, fentanyl, carfentanil (which

By Dr. Robin
Ten ways to de-stress on a budget after a long work week.
De-stressing doesn’t always have to cost money. In times of long work hours, and shortened free time, we tend to cram all of our needed life tasks into the only

By Dr. Robin
Treating Addiction Within the LGBTQ Community: Not One Size Fits All
High addiction rates within the LGBTQ community are well established, yet treatment focusing on the specific needs of this community are not. The fallback position tends to apply a one-size-fits-all

By Dr. Robin
What President Trump’s Opioid Public Health Emergency Really Means
Dr. Robin Barnett On October 26, 2017, President Trump called our country’s opioid epidemic a “national public health emergency” and promised to put the full weight of the federal government

By Dr. Robin
Wilderness Therapy: Nature as a Treatment Resource
When wilderness therapy first came on the scene, it evolved into a ’hoods in the woods scenario, where it was a toss-up who was tougher, the teens or the guides.
By Dr. Robin
Microdosing and Treating Wellness with Psychedelics
Dr. Robin Barnett, EdD, LCSW, LCADC, CSAT Psychedelics may have had their heyday in the 1960s, but they haven’t gone anywhere in that time. Sure, some people still use the