Virus Shaming – Are You Guilty?
Virus shaming may become the next social disorder if not addressed immediately. This new behavior is a cross between bullying and peer pressure and is occurring more profoundly since America
What to Do When Working with Families of Addicts
When a family comes to you because their loved one has an addiction, they bring with them a unique set of issues. They are frightened and traumatized by the chaos
Sex Addiction: A Family Disease
by Dr. Robin Barnett, EdD, LCSW, LCADC, CSAT The mainstream psychotherapy world is still getting its arms around sex addiction, yet the behaviors that comprise it are nothing new to
Five things to do if you think you have an addict in your house.
When addiction enters your home, it can be very disorienting as questions flood your mind. Should I say something to my loved one? Do we have an intervention?What is rehab,
Why Is Fentanyl Killing So Many of Our Kids?
Though most of us know about the opioid epidemic in this country, many people have not heard of one of the more powerful—and deadly—varieties, fentanyl. It is what killed Prince
Families in Crisis: The Importance of Comprehensive Care
When a person abuses drugs or alcohol, their addiction demands focus as it churns constant crises around them—physical, psychological, financial, and legal. While the addicted person stands at the center
Gray Death: Why People Use Drugs They Know Will Kill Them
In what is perhaps the most frightening of all drug combinations to date, Gray Death has emerged as a lethally potent combination of opioids that includes heroin, fentanyl, carfentanil (which
Ten ways to de-stress on a budget after a long work week.
De-stressing doesn’t always have to cost money. In times of long work hours, and shortened free time, we tend to cram all of our needed life tasks into the only
Treating Addiction Within the LGBTQ Community: Not One Size Fits All
High addiction rates within the LGBTQ community are well established, yet treatment focusing on the specific needs of this community are not. The fallback position tends to apply a one-size-fits-all